I reconnected with an elementary and high-school classmate and friend, Darrell Byers. He visited my mother, his third-grade teacher, on a trip to see family in Springfield. We swapped stories, pictures, and shared our career journeys. Darrell is the CEO of Interise Inc., a Boston-based nonprofit …
March – Take Charge of Your Career
Welcome to March. Time flies faster than you think, it is almost the end of the first quarter. March is the time to focus on two things – finalizing your development plan, and delivering your first results… Translate February Feedback into a Development Plan In February you collected …
Reflections – Talent Development
My reflections on talent development. Creating leaders ready to take on roles of increased responsibility and scope is a constant focus and struggle for Fortune 500 companies. As I reflect on my time in talent management I offer two principles and three steps organizations can take to make this …
February – Take Charge of Your Career
Welcome to February. Leadership expert Sally Helgesen notes that successful careers are usually built on expertise, connections, and visibility. February is a great time to calibrate your level of expertise, leverage your network, and develop a plan to increase your exposure within the …
Reflections – Black Women Leaders
My reflections on black women leaders... Working in corporate America can be frustrating, humiliating, isolating, and induce feelings of anxiety, and impostor syndrome. I believe this experience stems from many factors, but want to highlight three: Glacial Progress – since 2015, Leanin.Org …
January – Take Charge of Your Career
Celebrating the new year is the perfect time for taking charge of your career! Resolve to focus on improving job performance, enhancing your image, and increasing your network and exposure. Focus on three things in January… Performance – Look Back January is a great time to look back on …
Favorite Reads – 2023
It is not always about career development and advancement. 😊 I enjoy reading for pleasure, and often get my best ideas while relaxing. Click on the link below to see my three favorite reads in 2023. LINK …
Great Strategy Reads…
When people discover I am a strategy lecturer for the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s executive education programs, they often ask me what I am reading. Strategy is a complex, ever-evolving, disciple that necessitates mixing art and science. It is important to keep abreast of new …
How Would You Spend $5 Million Dollars?
I recently had a conversation with Ben, a fellow Dartmouth alum, about his career. Ben is in his mid-twenties, bright, and accomplished. He was contemplating the long-term direction of his career. Should he pursue the life of a clinician, consultant, venture capitalist, etc. He was looking for …
Use Education Wisely to Advance Your Career
Seeing kids boarding buses to go back to school at this time of year reminds me of the value of education. Taking advantage of developmental and educational opportunities is one of the best ways to advance your career. Sadly, most of the benefits offered by employers, universities, and communities …
What is Your Organization’s Growth Strategy
Supporting your organization’s growth strategy is a good way to accelerate your career progression. Take the time to understand how opportunities are identified and funded in your area. Then you can determine how to best add value to the process. Association with successful growth and enterprise …
The 3-Year Job Cycle
I recently caught up with the 2015 Class of my human resources leadership development program. After sharing updates on engagements, marriages, children, and current living situations, we spent time discussing current jobs and planning for the future. Their rapid progression and career success was …